Unconditional Abundant Affection - Wabi Sabi Wonder Travel

Unconditional Abundant Affection

Every dog owner thinks they have the best dog.  Every one of them is right.

Well, maybe mine is a little cuter, softer, smarter, crazier…maybe, but you could likely argue this for hours if your home (or bed) is also shared by a dog.  They give us “that look” or make that sound that only the “dog mom” or “dog dad” can interpret (admit it though, it usually means “feed/walk/play with me”).

Dogs have a simple view on life.  The eat when they get hungry, they sleep when tired, and they play when they want to.  Some are very particular about their food, or their bed, or their toys, I get it, but their needs are still simple, and the love they give us in return more than makes up for that sad eyed “demand” to go for a walk at 5AM.  And they appreciate fully everything we do for them.

So what is the lesson here?  Stop arguing with your friends over who has the best dog?  No.  The lesson is one of seeing the world the way a dog sees it.  I’m not saying we should start sniffing garbage or water hydrants, I’m saying full reversal of mindset.  A dog isn’t thinking about problems.  She isn’t cluttering her life with stuff.  She isn’t having meaningless interactions.  What if we tried spending a day living life with the outlook of a dog: simplifying our needs and giving unconditional and abundant affection?  What is the worst that could happen–a belly rub and some treats?

For personal coaching on how to  make distinctive positive changes to your life, please get in touch with me through the contact form by clicking contact me above. I look forward to hearing from you!